I The word "righteousness" means obedience according to all the commandments. Faith of which we are speaking is not properly the work of all the commandments: Therefore we are not justified by faith.
III "He who does not love remains in death." Therefore it is impossilbe to say that a person is righteous by faith alone.
V We are righteous by grace: Grace is the love which is poured into the heart: Therefore we are righteous by infused love.
XI Righteousness is in the will: Faith is not in the will: Therefore we are not justified by faith.
XIV Matthew 19:17," If you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments." Therefore it is possible to satisfy the law and our obedience merits eternal life.
XV "Forgive and it will be forgiven you, Matt.6:14: Therefore our forgiving spirit merits the remission of sins
XVII Her sins, which were many, have been forgiven her because she loved much," Luke 7:47: Therefore remission f sins takes place on account of love
XVIII Eternal life is called a reward: Therefore it is owed to us because of our works.